About the Author

Leeza Robertson is the Tarot High Priestess Personified. The leading disruptive visionary of creative consciousness, bridging the world of the acana and mundane.

She believes humanity stands on the precipice of evolutionary expansion. The leading edge of human expression is at our fingertips and all we have to do is leap.

Leeza believes the next frontier is not the space outside of us, but the space within us. People speak about their limits as if it is a force field around their creativity whereas Leeza believes we need to start exploring where those limits are, and make it our life’s work to see if we are even capable of hitting them. 

Creative Consciousness exploration is the path to which Leeza has made her life’s journey. Which is why when her work is discussed the words, icon, influencer, genius and prolific are often found next to it. 

“Everyone wants to be outside the box. But what if the box is the way? What if exploring the box is the key to unlocking the next jump in your own personal creative conscious revolution? I want to know the box and understand everything it is capable of.”

Leeza is an international bestselling author with 8 publications selling across the globe in multiple languages. She has spoken to audiences across the planet both large and intimate, Live and virtual. Every time she is finished speaking people all say the same thing “that was not what I was expecting!”

When Leeza is not working on publications or building businesses she can be found wandering forests, combing beaches, and wading through rivers with her wife as they reclaim their own inner wild creative source. 

All appearance and publicity inquiries should be directed to Llewellyn Worldwide, at: KatS@Llewellyn.com.

Want to Work with Leeza?

Leeza is building an incredible community over on Patreon. It is for all those who dream of learning more about who they are and how they can craft a life just for them. We are using tools like Tarot, well of course, Astrology, Moon Magic, EFT and more. This is the only place you will get to come play, learn and laugh with Leeza as she does not teach anywhere else about tarot.